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TRIO SOLEIL wishes to thank...

Our partners and parents for endless support, enthusiastic encouragement and rehearsal space...

Joanne for Lakeside Petite Fleur and Nature Boy video work...

G.Rae for Lakeside video snips work and all the encouragement!

Randi for Kevin's and Jacoba's Bio page photos...

Marcia for Nearness of You video work, Maury's Bio page photo, and background photos on the Who We Are and Video Snips pages and on our business card...

Seth for background photo on the Full Videos page...

Al for insightful feedback, encouragement, undiluted wisdom and Maury's first trip to Paris...

Old Jack Pine for the reams of valuable advice and great ideas...

Kate for having us out to Lakeside St. Coffee House for our (sort of) inaugural  gig on February 2, 2019...

All the folks who showed up that night and gave us the warmest reception imaginable...

Django, Louis, Ella, Edith, Lucinda, Leon, Tom, and all the folks, too numerous to name,  who wrote these amazing tunes we love so much!


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